Mixing Instructions

Note: Ready to drink alcohol by volume (ABV) = (added alcohol volume in litres X added alcohol ABV) / total mix volume in litres
E.g. Ready to drink ABV for 5L Cask of 9% ABV Dry White Wine in 10.5L total mix = (5 x 9)/10.5 = 4.28% ABV

Caution: Machine may not function correctly if ready to drink ABV is above 5.5%

Mixing with Spirits at various alcoholic strengths (10L – 10.8L total mix volume):
Spirits at 37.0% ABV: 2L of Cocktail Mix, 1.000L of Spirits at 37.0% ABV and 7.0L – 7.4L of water (3.7% – 3.6% ABV)
Spirits at 37.0% ABV:2L of Cocktail Mix, 1.125L of Spirits at 37.0% ABV and 7.0L – 7.4L of water (4.1% – 4.0% ABV)
Spirits at 37.0% ABV:2L of Cocktail Mix, 1.400L of Spirits at 37.0% ABV and 6.8L – 7.4L of water (5.1% – 4.8% ABV)
Spirits at 37.5% ABV:2L of Cocktail Mix, 1.000L of Spirits at 37.5% ABV and 7.0L – 7.4L of water (3.8% – 3.6% ABV)
Spirits at 37.5% ABV: 2L of Cocktail Mix, 1.125L of Spirits at 37.5% ABV and 7.0L – 7.4L of water (4.2% – 4.0% ABV)
Spirits at 37.5% ABV:2L of Cocktail Mix, 1.400L of Spirits at 37.5% ABV and 6.8L – 7.4L of water (5.1% – 4.9% ABV)
Spirits at 40.0% ABV: 2L of Cocktail Mix, 1.000L of Spirits at 40.0% ABV and 7.0L – 7.4L of water (4.0% – 3.8% ABV)
Spirits at 40.0% ABV: 2L of Cocktail Mix, 1.125L of Spirits at 40.0% ABV and 7.0L – 7.4L of water (4.4% – 4.3% ABV)